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Kunststoffkoffer Entfeuchter
Kunststoffkoffer Entfeuchter
1. High extraction rate 2. Fashionable, corrosion-resistant, and easy to clean aluminum housing 3. All heat exchange surfaces are coated with polyester 4. Mute operation 5. Including hygrometer 6. Operating at low temperatures, up to 5 ° C 7. Zero ozone depletion refrigerant option R407C/R410A/R134A 8. IP45 certification 9. Variable direction air outlet grille 10. By using available wall models 11. Optional LPHW air heater 12. Optional remote control 13. Dual speed fan 14. Remote adjustable air outlet 15. Easy to disassemble and clean air filter 16. Three types of installation, wall mounted, floor mounted, and wheel mounted. Motor and bearing material 304 stainless steel, corrosion
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